
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44021

Received: 19/04/2010

Respondent: Pamela and Malcolm Wilcox

Representation Summary:

* Merging Lillington and Cubbington will result in the loss of the established communities and a sense of belonging
* Green belt must be protected at all times.
* The green belt would be lost
* The present roads NOT be able to support the growth in traffic.
* Road traffic incidents are well documented.
* Schools are already stretched.
* Could health services cope?
* Issues with flooding.
* Cross town congestion issues.

Full text:

* There is a need for communities, with commonality. Merging Lillington and Cubbington will result in the loss of the established communities and the loss of belonging.
* Green belt must be protected at all times. The loss of our beautiful countryside for now and our children's future would be a mistake.
* The green belt as agreed only in 2007, in Cubbington would be lost
* As always little thought on the current infrastructure and how the generally narrow roads of the 50's, 60's and 70's will NOT be able to support the amount of traffic for the anticipated growth in the traffic if this site is chosen
* Road traffic incidents at the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road, cross roads at the junction Windmill Hill are well documented, both of these junctions will see a tremendous increase in traffic if this site is chosen.
* As we are all aware that families today are likely to average 2 cars per household, van our roads take this increase
* There are issues this year for primary school places at Cubbington C of E school and Telford School, has this been thought through.
* Will there be general practice capacity to cope with the needs of this new site
* I live in Oakridge Road and can assure you that the extensive work on the flodding from the fields STILL REMAINS. An increase in housing will increase the problem both for the proposed site and the current properties in Oakridge road, Parklands Avenue.
* Cubbington village is in a dip, and has SUFFERED from flooding extensively in the past. This has cause both physical and mental scars to those villagers who live within the flood area
* Cubbington School has seen many closures and damages to the property due to flooding, resulting in disruption fro the pupils and their families.
* Large scale development would be required for this proposed site, resulting in a a significant number of the new residents having many cross town journeys to access employment and food/retail shopping, Leamington is only just coping with the current numbers of residents having to cross town, any increase would bring major difficulties and congestion to the town roads.