
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44017

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Terry Brignal

Representation Summary:

It will merge two distinct communities. By encouraging the sprawl of Leamington it may also promote further expansion into the area around the Thwaites factory. Much of the land is subject to flooding. Added pressure on already crowded roads and infrastructure and would require new schools, doctors and so on to service the population. The land is a valuable amenity to the extant local population and is a large part of what makes Cubbington so attractive a place to live. The development would cause a severe fall in local house prices.

Full text:

I object to development on the green belt between Lillington and Cubbington as it will merge two distinct communities. By encouraging the sprawl of Leamington it may also promote further expansion into the area around the Thwaites factory. Much of the land under consideration is subject to flooding, which is already a problem in Cubbington village. Were such a development to go ahead it would put a great deal of pressure on already crowded roads and infrastructure and would require new schools, doctors and so on to service the expanded population. The land under consideration is a valuable amenity to the extant local population and is a large part of what makes Cubbington so attractive a place to live. If these developments go ahead all that would be lost and this would cause a severe fall in local house prices.