
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44013

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Jean Hall

Representation Summary:

Several years ago a large pipe caused soil from our garden to slip. I have worries that the development could lead to further landslip and possible subsidence of our house. Major upheaval of the lay of the land would occur.

Concern over the loss of green belt and farming land and the wildlife especially badgers.

Not enough schools to cope with the extra children an estate of this nature would bring, likewise doctors surgeries

Inadequate roads, not equipped to carry heavy traffic i.e. lorries carrying building materials and later, much larger volumes of traffic than the roads were built to take.

Full text:

I wish to object to the development of Glebe farm for housing
Several years ago a very large pipe (which I assumed to be for water ) was laid in the field from Black Lane to Cubbington Road. This ran along the bottom of my garden. Sometime later I realised the soil from the side garden of our house was slipping into the field. I had to have a retaining wall built to stop any further loss of garden. Several neighbours in our road had to do the same. This brings further worries. If this land is developed, will it lead to further landslip and possible subsidence of our house. Is it that as the rain runs off the fields into Cubbington and causes flooding it takes some of the soil with it. To develop this land will cause major upheaval to the lay of the land. what assurance can you give that this will not affect the houses in Langdale Close or even Eden Court.
My other objections are
1 Loss of green belt and farming land and the creatures who have lived there for more years than we have. The first we knew about the badgers living there was when two appeared on our patio. They have given us so much pleasure over the years, I feel someone should speak up for them. What about the Badger act of 1992, should there not be a Badger survey carried out by the Warwickshire Badger Society, before any decision is taken. It will be too late afterwards.

2 Not enough schools to cope with the extra children an estate of this nature would bring, likewise doctors surgeries

3 Inadequate roads, not equipped to carry heavy traffic ie lorries carrying building materials and later, much larger volumes of traffic than the roads were built to take.