
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44012

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Neil Walker

Representation Summary:

The increased volume of traffic from new homes travelling to and from the village in rush hour (morning and evening) will cause great disruption to everyone and an increased risk of accidents. There will be a need for more schools and doctor's surgeries to ease the pressure of the existing ones.

The environmental impact on wildlife alongside the loss of well used footpaths would be detrimental to the village.

Cubbington village suffers with flooding due to heavy clay subsoil and common sense tells you that building on that land would worsen the existing flooding problem.

Full text:

Questionnaire Response:
I object to this development as I feel it would cause a number of issues for Cubbington residents. The increased volume of traffic from new homes travelling to and from the village in rush hour (morning and evening) along with the small island at the top of Windmill Hill, will cause great disruption to everyone and an increased risk of accidents. There will be a need for more schools and doctor's surgeries to ease the pressure of the existing ones.

The environmental impact on wildlife alongside the loss of well used footpaths would be detrimental to the village.

Cubbington village suffers with flooding due to heavy clay subsoil and common sense tells you that building on that land would worsen the existing flooding problem.