
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44004

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Richard Brookes

Representation Summary:

The entire site is not appropriate for full development. The eastern part adjacent to Lillington is on a ridge. This forms the natural boundary to any extension of Lillington. However, a western extension to Cubbington is possible and will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. I consider the north-eastern area suitable. Of course, any development would be expect to provide flood alleviation measures as part of its S106 agreement.

Full text:

The entire site is not appropriate for full development. The eastern part adjacent to Lillington is on a ridge. This forms the natural boundary to any extension of Lillington. However, a western extension to Cubbington is possible and will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. I consider the north-eastern area suitable. Of course, any development would be expect to provide flood alleviation measures as part of its S106 agreement.