
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43992

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Stewart Williams

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic, loss of amenity, reduction in property values.

Full text:

I am registered blind and am currently able to negotiate the Parklands estate in reasonable safety as traffic levels are generally fairly low. The volume increase of traffic associated with the large number of homes planned would make my daily routine extremely dangerous.

My property currently benefits by being on the edge of the Leamington development and its value would be considerably decreased if this was to be joined to Cubbington by continuous housing.

Although central government have agreed that consideration can be given to development of greenbelt land, how can we criticise countries such as Brazil for loss of rainforest while we continue to destroy our own natural environment.

I also feel that as well as Cubbington being swallowed up by Leamington, the village of Offchurch would completely lose its identity and suffer further increases in traffic avoiding the town centre and most likely become a rat run.