
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43991

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr David Godfrey

Representation Summary:

Commuter traffic, loss of amenity (greenbelt and wildlife habitat), cycling and walking demoted, unsold developments already in the area, flood risk increased and conurbation of former village.

Full text:

The basis for my objection is that this development would be on the opposite side of Leamington Spa to the main industrial estates, leading to an increase in levels of commuter traffic across or around town. This is in contradiction to the governments stated intentions of promoting cycling and walking to work.

This increase in traffic would actually make cycling more dangerous and therefore oblige the council to build dedicated cycle/pedestrian paths along many of the town's roads and also the outlying rural roads, in particular Welsh Road.

There is also clear evidence that additional homes have already been built in the Warwick district, (Waterfront development) and the uptake has been minimal, the majority of homes remaining unsold and the second phase has been postponed/delayed and underfunded due to a lack of sales.

These unfinished properties and part built car park on what was greenfields and a former factory site are unlikely to encourage buyers to take up homes in the area.

While these remain unsold further development in the area should not be contemplated.

These objections are in addition to the problems associated with water management in the Cubbington area, loss of amenity and creating a conurbation of a former village.