
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43973

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Nigel Rock

Representation Summary:

Reasons for Objections:
1. Flooding risk. The development proposed would increase flooding in Cubbington.

2. Protected species. The site is a significant habitat for the great crested newt and badgers.

3. Green belt and buffer between settlements. The proposal would irreparably harm the character of Cubbington which currently retains a distinctive village environment.

4. Traffic. The issue of traffic at school times is a principal concern. This proposal has severe limitations of access both from east and west.

I have attended two public meetings that I estimate involved 500-600 residents, by any measure a significant level of concern in the community.

Full text:

I raise objection to the inclusion of alternative site 3 -- Glebe Farm Cubbington, in the core strategy. My reasons, based on planning principles, are as follows:

1. Flooding risk. In 2007 Cubbington experienced a catastrophic pluvial flooding event. Having attended the environment agency follow-up to these flood events, it is clear that the typography and run-off from fields and most notably the built environment, caused the capacity of the water courses to be exceeded. The development proposed would increase the probability and severity of flooding in Cubbington due to these factors. It is essential that appropriately managed farmland is retained in the vicinity of Cubbington and the Pitt Report has comments to the effect of agricultural land management to ameliorate the effects of water run-off. Creating a built environment in this area is wholly unacceptable.

2. Protected species. The site is reported to be a significant habitat for the great crested newt and badgers. It is difficult to see how practical measures could be taken to mitigate the loss of habitat. The council should ensure that Warwickshire County Council ecology service are aware of these proposals and specifically seek their representation on the question of habitats and protected species.

3. Green belt and buffer between settlements. The proposal compromises the spirit, if not the letter, of the greenbelt protection to separate Cubbington from the continuous conurbation of Lillington and the Leamington. The proposal fails any sequential tests necessary before greenbelt encroachment. The proposal would irreparably harm the character of Cubbington which currently retains a distinctive village environment.

4. Traffic. The Liberal Democrats have recently carried out informal doorstep surveys of residents in Cubbington (predating the publication of the scheme) and the issue of traffic at school times was the principal concern. This proposal has severe limitations of access both from east and west. Employment Centres are located to the south of Leamington and traffic would route through the town or by 'rat runs' using the Welsh Road, Fosse Way, and Radford Seleme. Highway re-mediation measures would be unacceptable as these would have to be a significant and would create an urbanising effect in this rural locality.

I have attended two public meetings that I estimate involved 500-600 residents, by any measure a significant level of concern in the community. The public made many other points in addition to those above from their local knowledge, which I am sure the planning authority will consider. Commentators at those meetings indicated a realisation that there is a need for a number of local homes, but of a scale and character appropriate to the locality, infrastructure and economic centres. This proposal does not meet these criteria.

Perhaps you could be kind enough to indicate that my comments have been received.

I would like to thank planning policy officers that have attended both meetings for their helpful explanation, sometimes under difficult and hostile questioning.