
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43960

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Paul Howell

Representation Summary:

In summary, I believe the current infrastructure in Cubbington is already at capacity and housing development on the scale proposed would completely ruin the village.

Full text:

I have been a Cubbington resident for almost 30 years and I am extremely concerned by the Glebe Farm proposal. Although attached to Leamington (via Lillington), Cubbington is very much a village in its own right. It has a centre and a community spirit. Although urban, it also has very easy access to rural areas. I fear this will be lost should the additional housing be created along with the associated people. Furthermore, the current road infrastructure in the area can barely cope with the present population and will be grossly inadequate to serve the new development. Windmill Hill in particular already has lenghty queues at peak times.