
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43959

Received: 14/03/2010

Respondent: Henry Webster

Representation Summary:

I object to the Glebe Farm, Cubbington development for the following reasons.

It will increase the levels of traffic on already busy roads.
It will reduce Cubbington's autonomy as a community.
It will reduce Cubbington's "desirability" by liking it with new developments.
It will reduce the identity of Cubbington and its good name as a family friendly community.
It will reduce attractive green belt areas used by families and dog walkers

I moved to Cubbington to avoid social problems associated with large housing developments.
I believe this development will reduce the quality of life for the existing residents of Cubbington

Full text:

Questionnaire Response:
I object to the Glebe Farm, Cubbington development for the following reasons.

It will increase the levels of traffic on already busy roads.
It will reduce Cubbington's autonomy as a community.
It will reduce Cubbington's "desirability" by liking it with new developments.
It will reduce the identity of Cubbington and its good name as a family friendly community.
It will reduce attractive green belt areas used by families and dog walkers

I moved to Cubbington to avoid social problems associated with large housing developments.
I believe this development will reduce the quality of life for the existing residents of Cubbington