
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 43945

Received: 10/03/2010

Respondent: Gillian Rogers

Representation Summary:

Serious issues include:
* Drainage and run off - Cubbington has experienced flooding and development could increase this.
* The road infrastructure would be a nightmare as the roundabout at Cubbington is already a busy junction and would require major changes.
* The schools are already under pressure from a capacity perspective.
* Major supermarkets are all across town e.g. in Warwick and the other side of Leamington Spa

Full text:

Questionnaire Response:
This is a huge site which will cause serious issues such as
* Drainage and run off cubbington has experienced flooding and would this huge change not influence further the water run in the valley by Glebe Farm
* The road infrastructure would be a nightmare as the roundabout at Cubbington is already a busy junction and would require major changes. The roads have heavy use already and the build would put added pressure
* The schools are already under pressure from a capacity perspective so a school would have to be built or all the schools in the locality would need extensions for increased capacity
* Major supermarkets are all across town e.g. in Warwick and the other side of Leamington Spa