Publication Draft
4. Strategic Objectives for Warwick District to 2026
4.1 The Core Strategy must contain strategic objectives for the District that focus on the key issues to be addressed. These will link the vision to a delivery strategy which will form part of the draft Core Strategy to be produced later this year. This will help to demonstrate how the vision will be delivered.
4.2 The strategic objectives have been informed by the comments received during a series of meetings with key stakeholders undertaken since 2007 and the consultation undertaken in late 2007/2008 on the "Issues Paper"9. This paper identified a number of key objectives/issues for the Core Strategy which were discussed in detail. There was support for all of the objectives to varying degrees, and a number of other issues were highlighted for closer attention including; accommodation for gypsies and travellers, climate change, countryside and rural areas, protection of the Green belt and open spaces, renewable energy generation and infrastructure considerations.
4.3 The strategic objectives within the Core Strategy must also closely relate to the 16 strategic aims of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) and these are set out in the box below.
SCS Strategic Aims
4.4 The Core Strategy should take forward those elements of the sustainable community strategy that relate to the physical development and use of land in the District.
4.5 In this context and having regard to the consultation responses and more recent national guidance, the key objectives from the "Issues Paper" have been reviewed and re-drafted as set out overleaf. The objectives have been grouped under the four integrated goals of sustainable development taken from the UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy. However, many of the objectives will inter-relate with each other, for example a number of different objectives will contribute towards improving health and well being, and therefore they should all be read together.
Strategic Objectives
Sustainable, Innovative and Productive Economy
- To maintain a strong and growing economy through ensuring a range of suitable sites for employment uses are available and able to be developed to meet the future demand for jobs;
- To support the local economy through supporting the development of suitable land and buildings for retail, leisure and offices uses within or adjoining the town centres to meet future needs and ensure their continued vibrancy and viability;
- To strengthen the local tourism economy through supporting the development of suitable tourism and cultural facilities, and visitor accommodation;
- To help disadvantaged and deprived areas through supporting regeneration;
- To enable rural communities to becoming stronger and more sustainable through
supporting new development of an appropriate scale that makes them become
more vibrant and viable;
Social Inclusion and Personal Wellbeing
- To meet current and future housing needs by ensuring sufficient suitable land for housing is available and able to be developed to meet future requirements, and that new housing development is of the right type, size and tenure;
- To build stronger communities by protecting and improving social, economic, green and physical infrastructure through supporting its development and enhancement, and through securing contributions from new development;
- To support healthy lifestyles through ensuring sufficient land is made available for play, sport and recreation;
- To improve community safety and reduce the potential for crime and antisocial behaviour through new development;
- To improve access for all groups in society to the built and natural environment through controlling the location and design of new development;
- To help meet the needs of Gypsies and Travellers through supporting the
development of suitable land for accommodation;
Protect and Enhance the Environment
- To protect and enhance the historic environment through controlling the location of development and ensuring high quality design;
- To protect, enhance and link the natural environment through controlling the location and design of new development;
- To protect and enhance the built environment through ensuring new developments
are of high quality design;
Efficient Use of Resources and Energy
- To address the causes and predicted impacts of climate change through ensuring new development is designed to minimise carbon emissions, use resources efficiently, and be resilient to its effects;
- To adapt for the effects of climate change through controlling new development within areas of flood risk and designing new development to reduce flood risk elsewhere; and
- To ensure new development minimises waste and supports recycling.
Feedback - Strategic Objectives |
(164) Do you agree with the Strategic Objectives for Warwick District? |
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4.6 The next sections set out the approach to how the Core Strategy may address each of these strategic objectives.
9 Further details can be found within the Issues Paper: Report of Public Consultation which can be found on the District Council website