
Proposed Modifications January 2016

Representation ID: 68656

Received: 20/04/2016

Respondent: Cllr. David Skinner

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Development at Westwood Heath will generate additional traffic, with implications for road safety.
Loss of green spaces.
Issues around fuel pipeline.

Full text:

Following my correspondence with Ms Holder and Mr Barber, may I now formally record my views as a Councillor for Westwood Ward which includes, inter alia, Canley, Tile Hill South, Tile Hill Village; Lime Tree Estate, part of Banner Lane and Westwood Heath. I understand that my friends Mr Tim Mayer and Cllr Marcus Lapsa agree.

A I comment only on areas near my Ward- what happens in, for example, Warwick is beyond my purview;

B there is a considerable need for new housing, both to buy and to rent, including social housing, as the population grows, because, inter alia, people are, thank goodness, living longer- I should like to be around for some time more myself;

C there is a proposal for major new building in Westwood Heath, but in Warwickshire, and that could self-evidently greatly affect Westwood Ward over time. There is, I believe an issue with a fuel pipeline affecting the area, and more generally, many residents will understandably be unhappy over the disappearance of green spaces;

D my personal concerns include the ever-increasing traffic. Because of my family history, I am acutely aware of the risk of death or serious injury on the roads.

I have asked for detailed comments from City Council officers, but have at present absolutely no idea how the whole area can safely absorb the great changes likely in Burton Green and elsewhere with HS2, to which I am personally so opposed, not least on security grounds- the Brussels attacks are very relevant; more building in Westwood Heath and Cromwell Lane; the greatly-needed Canley Regeneration; the on-going expansion of Warwick University, the construction traffic at the various sites; the ever-growing number of vehicles on our roads generally, and more.

So I ask; will the community that Cllr Lapsa and I represent be protected or endangered? Nothing is more important than the lives of innocent people.

I shall be very happy to meet the Inspector, and am copying this to some residents in Westwood Ward.