
Proposed Modifications January 2016

Representation ID: 68095

Received: 20/03/2016

Respondent: Mr Glen Ager

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The local plan does not comply with the Water Resources Act 1991 as it will result in a worsening effect upon the water saturation level/zone of saturation within the area, increasing the flooding risk to surrounding land and existing properties and worsening water logging in the area during winter months and times of high rainfall. Addition of increased hard surfaces by the future residents of such as development will compound this.

Full text:

The local plan does not comply with the Water Resources Act 1991 as it will result in a worsening effect upon the water saturation level/zone of saturation within the area, increasing the flooding risk to surrounding land and existing properties. The development will increase the amount of non-permeable surfaces such as road surfaces, houses and hard landscapes areas, resulting in pushing surface water to already highly saturated slow to drain areas. The existing developments along westwood heath road currently suffer from water logging show the current high saturation zone. Making significant improvements to the drainage of the proposed development such that it mitigates a worsening of the surrounding land drainage and water saturation zone will be cost prohibitive and require non-standard construction practices and techniques.