
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 6661

Received: 25/09/2009

Respondent: Laura Ashley-Timms

Representation Summary:

Objections to Large Scale Housing Developments in the following areas:

1) Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
2) Land South of Sydenham and east of Whitnash
3) Land at Woodside Farm, north of Harbury Lane, Whitnash
4) Land west of Europa Way, Warwick

I am writing to object to the plans to further develop the area between Bishops Tachbrook, Warwick Gates and Whitnash.

This area is on the edge of several historic cities and does not have the road systems or broader infrastructure (especially schools and hospitals) to support such widespread growth. The maternity ward at Warwick hospital has already been closed down this year and it only takes a minor incident or a heavy downfall of rain in this area for the entire area to become either gridlocked or flooded. Additional pressures do not make sense.

What seems particularly unreasonable is the need to exert this level of extreme housing development on one of the last villages left in the proximity to Leamington. Bishops Tachbrook would effectively become a suburb of Leamington with this in-fill plan and would lose its identity.

In addition we have a major regional centre in need of resources, development and investment minutes up the road with a fantastic road and rail network, namely Coventry. I would expect there are a number of well sized brownfield sites around Coventry, as well as some large industrial sites on the outskirts of the town (e.g the old Peugot plant) that could easily accommodate such development projects.

The area around Warwick and Leamington and especially Bishops Tachbrook should be reserved for small scheme local developments (e.g. 5-15 new homes at a time or individual projects) that can be easily accommodated into our village without negatively impacting existing residents. All other options in these towns should be limited to brownfield sites.

Thank you