
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 6608

Received: 12/08/2009

Respondent: Mr & Mrs G Lloyd

Representation Summary:

Not good at letter writing but agree with leaflet enclosed which states:
No to becoming another suburb of Leamington.
No to destruction of Tachbrook Valley.
No to putting lives in danger by gridlocked roads to the hospital.
No to increasing rat runs through the village
No to overcrowding doctors surgeries, hospitals, schools and nurseries.
No to increased pollution and the elimination of more green spaces.
No to overloading sewerage systems and reduced water supplies.
No to massively increased traffic congestion.
Yes to supporting alternative options by building at Finham.
Yes to using existing homes - more halls of residence at University to free up student lets and require fewer houses to be built.
Yes to small scale housing in the county.
Yes to building on brown field sites at Coventry Airport, former Peugeot site and Arches area of Leamington.