
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 6598

Received: 16/09/2009

Respondent: Martin & Kim Drew & Barnes

Representation Summary:

Object to sites at:
Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
South of Sydenham and east of Whitnash
Woodside Farm, north of Harbury Lane
West of Europa Way
4200 houses next to Bishops Tachbrook will overwhelm the village making it into a suburb of Leamington and Warwick eradicating its character, reducing quality of life and destroying rural setting.
Development would be contrary to vision.
Such disproportionately large housing development will create soul-less commuter estate lacking identity and social cohesion and will be natural breeding ground for anti-social behaviour and a dormitory for Birmingham and Coventry.
Recent housing needs survey carried out a Bishops Tachbrook identified requirement for 15 dwellings, not 4200.
Infrastructure and local services - police, healthcare, schools, nursery care, water & sewerage will be not cope with such a huge increase in population. Emergency access to Warwick Hospital will be endangered owing to further congestion of road bridges in Warwick and Leamington.
Bishops Tachbrook already a rat run for commuters and parents delivering children to school because the promised infant school at Warwick Gates was never built.
4200 new homes equates to approx. 8000 vehicles. Roads and bridges will not take increases in traffic. Not to mention massive increase in pollution.
Historical precedence confirms infrastructure promises are not fulfilled or are delayed.
Where will newcomers work? Preferred Option highlights deficit of 20 ha of available land on which to build employment premises.
Recognise the need for new housing although the figure questioned.
Disperse small numbers of new homes in all villages
Build new halls of residence at Warwick University and release student rented houses in Leamington.
Utilise land north of Leamington around Blackdown and towards Stoneleigh - why is this land sacred green belt but not that near Bishops Tachbrook.
Utilise Ford foundry and Peugeot plant sites.
Use WDC area in Finham that Coventry covets to meet own housing targets.