
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64861

Received: 05/03/2014

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Morris

Representation Summary:

The road is already heavily congested without adding further people/traffic adding to the problems.

Why add more people onto a road which has already had many fatal accidents? This will be putting everyone at risk, especially at night when the area is in total darkness.

Having children play next to a main road is not the answer.

New houses are already planned for the area and they will have an impact on the capacity of the school. How can more places be found?

The village only has one small shop and the local bus service may be lost.

The money would be better invested in the canalside facilities such as a visitor centre.

Who will ensure proper management/standards of the site?

There are sites in Warwick and Leamington which could offer space for gypsies and travellers without the safety concerns raised by this site.

Full text:

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