
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64859

Received: 02/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Elaine Kemp

Representation Summary:

Site is within the Green Belt but there are no reasons why this site should be allocated.

Site is only 0.25 hectares not 0.3 hectares, which means fewer pitches can be provided than anticipated.

Only access is onto Ugly Bridge as access to the A4177 is not possible under highway regulations.

Site will have adverse impact on traffic flow and safety on the A4177

The site is not previously developed land. There are plenty of other brownfield sites in the area that could be used.

Use of CPO powers is contrary to government advice and misuse of taxpayers' money. It is also wrong that it should be used to threaten an existing business and sterilise the future of Oaklands Farm.

Proposal would have an adverse visual impact.

Unclear how the site would be managed/monitored successfully.

There is a limited bus service.

Local schools are full.

Utilities will have to be provided at extra cost to the council.

Full text:

see attached
