
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64701

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Karm Soomro

Representation Summary:

GT04 does not meet the fundamental planning criteria in the NPPF because:
- lacks access to shops and local services
- is on community periphery and so does not encourage integration
- local schools and GP surgeries are full to capacity and so do not offer such services
- limited access to local transport
- developing the site will damage wildlife
- the site is prone to flooding and will not enable appropriate drainage
- the flooding causes hazardous conditions on Harbury Lane and so will increase the risk of accidents
- the Fosse Way junction is high risk for accidents and so the increase in traffic would put lives at risk
- The site is not cost effective to develop and relocate football club, e.g. building homes plus 5-10 permanent pitches which cost between £325k to £650k.

Full text:

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