
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64429

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Sean Mansell

Representation Summary:

Objects on following grounds:

Has read the recent literature and attended the meeting/exhibition earlier in the spring at Harbury Village Hall.

Has concerns about the original research that sourced these potential Gypsy & Traveller Sites and the fact that the research was not done locally and that gypsys were actually involved in the direction of the research.


Concerned about its proximity to my home and village and if this site were successful fears for the drain on resources that the site would create as school and doctors places are already at maximum capacity.

Is aware that the football club will only agree to the use of the land as a G&T site if they are able to relocate to a city centre site, if this is not possible they do not wish to move so if you choose this land it would be an attempt at a compulsory purchase.

Question why all the sites are in the south of Warwickshire and also questions the governments suggestion on how many sites are required - it is far too many for our area and the proposed sites are too close to each other.

Sincerely hope that Warwick District Council do remove these 2 options from the local G&T lists.

Full text:

I wish to report my objection to the proposed gypsy sites GT02 and GT04.

I have read the recent literature and attended the meeting/exhibition earlier in the spring at Harbury Village Hall. I have concerns about the original research that sourced these potential Gypsy & Traveller Sites and the fact that the research was not done locally and that gypsys were actually involved in the direction of the research.


I am concerned about its proximity to my home and village and if this site were successful I fear for the drain on resources that the site would create as school and doctors places are already at maximum capacity.

I am aware that the football club will only agree to the use of the land as a G&T site if they are able to relocate to a city centre site, if this is not possible they do not wish to move so if you choose this land it would be an attempt at a compulsory purchase.


I object to the suggestion that this site is put forward as a proposed G&T site based on the following facts:

1. My wife is employed at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre (WEC) and we are clearly aware that the land owners do not wish to sell, so if this site is forced through it would need to be via compulsory purchase which would be costly for the council and take years to complete if it ever would.

2. The threat of this site alone has been sufficient to deter potential event organisers from using our exhibition hall and it has also deterred current organisers working with us from signing extended contracts to work with us over the next 5 years.

3. My wife is one of 7 permanent employees at the WEC and when we have exhibitions on we employ many more people on a temporary basis, sometimes up to 30 or 40. If the site at GT02 was approved the WEC would be forced to close down and myself and all colleagues would be forced into unemployment.

4. The WEC brings significant revenue into the county/district through the thousands of visitors and hundreds of exhibitors it brings to the Centre each year. Revenue for the district is source through hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, other tourist attractions in the area etc. For some of our events we will book directly accommodation for our exhibitors and we promote local facilities via our website.

5. I have concerns about the location of the proposed site being on such a main road - this does not prove safe access to and from the site for vehicles and there is really no pedestrian access from the proposed site.

6. The proposed site is opposite a business but also a residential home.

7. The adjacent site is protected ancient woodland and if a G&T site were placed next to it is would have severe damage to wildlife habitat.

8. The land is a historic toll site from medieval times.

9. I do question why all the sites are in the south of Warwickshire and I also question the governments suggestion on how manysirte are required - it is far too many for our area and the proposed sites are too close to each other.

I do sincerely hope that Warwick District Council do remove these 2 options from the local G&T lists.