
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64420

Received: 04/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Kevin Burke

Representation Summary:

Land at Harbury Lane/Fosse Way (GT04), Leamington Football Club should be discounted as it is a successful and well supported club that has been developed with considerable effort by the local community. Moving it could have serious consequences for its' continued existence.

Full text:

Having reviewed the list of Preferred Options for permanent gypsy sites I would like to make the following comments.

The most appropriate site is clearly GTalt01 Brookside Willows on the Banbury Road. This already meets the majority of the conditions for a suitable site; partially developed with existing planning permission for caravans, well screened which benefits both the community and the travellers, safe access on to the main road which is important for movement of towed caravans, and close to the local amenities.

The site east of Birmingham Road at Budbrooke (GT19) should also be considered as it offers suitable conditions for a limited number of pitches, is partially developed for use of caravans, and therefore has access points and existing services.

Land at Harbury Lane/Fosse Way (GT04), Leamington Football Club should be discounted as it is a successful and well supported club that has been developed with considerable effort by the local community. Moving it could have serious consequences for its' continued existence.

Land north of Westham Lane, Barford (GT12) is too close to existing housing and should be discounted on the basis of not promoting peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and local community.

Land east of Europa Way (GT15) is close to a busy road, therefore access would be dangerous and the noise due to traffic would be excessive.

I therefore recommend that you provide traveller sites at GTalt01 and GT19 as part of your Local Plan.