
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64397

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: John Holden

Representation Summary:

Adjacent to very busy junction (Fosse Way/Harbury Lane) where in the morning & evening traffic peak traffic backs up in all directions up to half a mile.Frequent accidents.
View from Chesterton Windmill northwards will be spoilt.
Doctors surgery is over a mile away
Harbury school up to capacity
If GT04 is adopted then think Section 106 monies (i.e. Warwick DC) should be used to fund the installation of traffic lights at the Fosse Way/Harbury Lane junction.

Full text:

Regards proposed Site GT04 - Land at Harbury Lane/Fosse Way

Objections to this site are
1. The proposed site is adjacent to a very busy junction (Fosse Way/Harbury Lane) where in the morning & evening traffic peak traffic backs up in all directions up to half a mile.
2. The junction is now the site of a Road Traffic Collision at least once a week
3. The view from Chesterton Windmill northwards will be spoilt by the proposed site.
4. Doctors surgery is over a mile away
5. Harbury school up to capacity

Suggested better site GT 20 by the M40 as this has better access with New Dispensary Surgery and schools nearby

If GT04 is adopted then think Section 106 monies (i.e. Warwick DC) should be used to fund the installation of traffic lights at the Fosse Way/Harbury Lane junction.