
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64223

Received: 07/05/2014

Respondent: Neil Chadderton

Representation Summary:

After the upheaval when the old ground was used for housing and no alternative was made available, the club eventually obtained the current ground and worked tirelessly to change a field into the fine award winning ground it has become.
No decision should be made until an alternative site is acceptable and transformed into a "fit for purpose" site in order that games can progress without a break.

Full text:

I object strongly on the proposal to use the New Windmill Ground as a Gipsy and Travellers site.

After the upheaval when the old ground was used for housing and no alternative was made available, the club eventually obtained the current ground and worked tirelessly to change a field into the fine award winning ground it has become.

No decision should be made until an alternative site is acceptable and transformed into a "fit for purpose" site in order that games can progress without a break.

I trust the proposal will be reviewed and rejected.