
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64204

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Darlison

Representation Summary:

Football Club does not wish to sell. This is a WDC myth. Compulsory purchase is no longer an option (re Eric Pickles dept). Too far from shops and services regarding WDC's own policy and that of the national planning framework. Local GP and school are full. Detrimental effect on the historic site of Chesterton Windmill, and the views from it. No footpaths. Prone to flooding.

Full text:

Football Club does not wish to sell. This is a WDC myth. Compulsory purchase is no longer an option (re Eric Pickles dept). Too far from shops and services regarding WDC's own policy and that of the national planning framework. Local GP and school are full. Detrimental effect on the historic site of Chesterton Windmill, and the views from it. No footpaths. Prone to flooding.