
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64196

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Haidee Powell

Representation Summary:

The site is unsuitable for many reasons. Sewage needs to be mains, which WDC have stated is not possible. Harbury lane is a very busy and already dangerous road, certainly not suitable for additional traffic and definitely not safe for pedestrians. The crossroad with the fosse way is a known accident hotspot, with accidents at least every other week. The schools and doctors surgeries in the area are already full and NOT within walking distance. There are no jobs available nearby and no community for integration.

Full text:

The site is unsuitable for many reasons. Sewage needs to be mains, which WDC have stated is not possible. Harbury lane is a very busy and already dangerous road, certainly not suitable for additional traffic and definitely not safe for pedestrians. The crossroad with the fosse way is a known accident hotspot, with accidents at least every other week. The schools and doctors surgeries in the area are already full and NOT within walking distance. There are no jobs available nearby and no community for integration.