
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64195

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Gee

Representation Summary:

1) site more valuable for housing
2) site probably more expensive than others
3) why not use existing site at Ryton?
4) decision should be based on the number of objections received
5) everybody wants to live in area with the specified criteria but cannot always afford to
6) too biased towards small minority of population
7) M40 corridor often alongside motorway is deemed satisfactory for paying citizens so why do gypsies need such a prime location

Full text:

1) site more valuable for housing
2) site probably more expensive than others
3) why not use existing site at Ryton?
4) decision should be based on the number of objections received
5) everybody wants to live in area with the specified criteria but cannot always afford to
6) too biased towards small minority of population
7) M40 corridor often alongside motorway is deemed satisfactory for paying citizens so why do gypsies need such a prime location