
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64163

Received: 05/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Sarah Brewster

Representation Summary:

This area is a rural band between Leamington and Bishops Tachbrook. It is currently peaceful, which would change significantly if any gypsy/traveller site settled there. Equally the road infrastructure is already, at times, busy and can be an accident hot spot. The school in the village is already oversubscribed and the Dr's surgery is only part time. I feel strongly that what is currently a gentle rural idyll would be under threat by any such settlement. Detracting from historical buildings around the area and the natural beauty of the area.

Full text:

This area is a rural band between Leamington and Bishops Tachbrook. It is currently peaceful, which would change significantly if any gypsy/traveller site settled there. Equally the road infrastructure is already, at times, busy and can be an accident hot spot. The school in the village is already oversubscribed and the Dr's surgery is only part time. I feel strongly that what is currently a gentle rural idyll would be under threat by any such settlement. Detracting from historical buildings around the area and the natural beauty of the area.