
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64121

Received: 04/05/2014

Respondent: Mrs Laura Harris

Representation Summary:

The WDC consultation does not consider as required the existing capacity of current sites within Warwickshire county and adjacent districts.
The GTAA also ignores the impact of the agreed Transit site near Southam.

GT04 is not on community periphery to encourage integration and is not 5-10min walk to a GP/school.

Establishing 5-10 pitches at GT04 would be disproportionate to the local community recommendations.

GT04 does meet recommendations for good infrastructure .

The area is prone to flooding.

The nearest GP surgery is three miles away that GP surgery is at capacity.

GT04 would be an unpleasant place to live and also an unhealthy one.

Full text:

I object to the Gypsy and Traveller preferred site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way.
The WDC consultation does not consider as required the existing capacity of current sites within Warwickshire county and adjacent districts.
The GTAA also ignores the impact of the planned Transit site near Southam which has been agreed.

GT04 does not meet national planning framework guidelines recommended 5-10mins walk on a pavement.

GT04 does not meet the national planning framework guidelines recommendation for sites to be on community periphery to encourage integration.

Establishing 5-10 pitches at GT04 would be disproportionate to the local community (8 residential properties, with 16 adults and 4 children). This is contradictory to national planning framework guidelines recommendations.

GT04 does meet national planning framework guidelines recommendations for availability
of good infrastructure (roads, pavement, street lighting, broadband, cellphone reception). The infrastructure at GT04 is poor and would require considerable investment to rectify. And this is an
expense that WDC should not incur during times of cutbacks in public expenditure and services.

The area is prone to flooding with Harbury Lane and surrounding fields are often under water.

Planning policy for G&T requires schools / GP surgeries to be a 5-10 minute walk away, GT04 is at
least a 45 minute walk away.

The nearest GP surgery is three miles away that GP surgery is at capacity.

According to aroma maps GT04 is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. This raises serious environmental and health concerns, and was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected. GT04 would be an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.