
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64092

Received: 02/05/2014

Respondent: Mr David Waddell

Representation Summary:

Harbury Lane is prone to flooding.
All amenities would be at least a 45 minute walk away.
Nearest GP surgery is in excess of 1.5 miles away and is already at capacity.
Nearest primary, junior and senior schools already at capacity.
Harbury Lane and Fosse Way crossroads a high risk travel route.
Vehicle or public transport to shops and schools would be necessary therefore proposal not eco-friendly.
Proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas also electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading at considerable cost.

Full text:

Harbury Lane is prone to flooding.
All amenities would be at least a 45 minute walk away.
Nearest GP surgery is in excess of 1.5 miles away and is already at capacity.
Nearest primary, junior and senior schools already at capacity.
Harbury Lane and Fosse Way crossroads a high risk travel route.
Vehicle or public transport to shops and schools would be necessary therefore proposal not eco-friendly.
Proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas also electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading at considerable cost.