
Preferred Options for Sites

Representation ID: 64063

Received: 01/05/2014

Respondent: Mr Timothy Gee

Representation Summary:

1. site is too valuable/worthy of housing
2. site demonstrates too much preferential treatment for minority
3. decision should be based democratically on number of objections.

Full text:

1. Site is excessively valuable and would be better used for proper housing.
2. Unfair preferential treatment of small section of society giving countryside views, open space, short distance to amenities, transport routes, local town, local village - everyone wants this and some of us pay a lot of money to achieve it.
3. Any facilities for gypsies will only serve to encourage more to take up the lifestyle. Allegedly some 'travellers' have homes in Ireland for example and will use the sites as 'working' holiday facitilties. Constantly moving them on from public places is preferable as it spreads the problem and maintains their itinerant status while also limiting the numbers as a natural deterrent.
4. The decision on location of any site must be done democratically and therefore by number of objections, not based on the assessment of so called 'needs' by any self righteous individual or comittee.