
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59645

Received: 19/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Christine Stanford

Representation Summary:

Objects to development in the area of Whitnash and Warwick Gates in particular Fieldgate Lane / Golf Lane. It will increase strain on existing sewerage and storm water pipes, heavy rain already causes manhole covers to overflow at the corner of Fieldgate Lane / Golf Lane. Local schools are unable to take further children. The traffic in Whitnash has already increased since the Warwick Gates development the junction at Heathcote Road / Tachbrook Road is already at capacity. Local doctors surgeries are already at capacity and the local hospital is struggling. Water, gas and electricity services on Golf Lane is only just adequate. Development would result in te loss of habitat for local wildlife. Concerned that suggested pedestrian and cycling links could be dangerous for children as the lane has no speed limits.

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