
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55416

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Forrester

Agent: Barlow Associates Limited

Representation Summary:

Objects that Loes Farm is not allocated within the Local Plan. The land is suitable and available. A transport assessment indicates two accesses are available, the Phase 1 habitat assessment undertaken by Middlemarch Environmental has concluded that there were no wildlife concerns or protected species likely to be affected by the development. Landscape assessment by Pleydell Smithyman concludes that the whole of the site would be suitable for residential development with no significant impacts on heritage assets. The interim SA highlights the potential for the site to have a major long term positive effect on the objective relating to housing and indirect positive effects on the economy, local community services, health and well being and poverty and social exclusion. The report inaccurately states that the site does not have access to public transport. It also identifies that there is potential for short to long term negative effects on SA objective 2 however the local plan will include measures to ensure traffic and transport issues are identified and appropriate mitigation is implemented. The A46 on the western boundary is considered to be a potential nuisance to development however this could be mitigated. Proposal would provide significant positive benefits in providing public open space on the Coventry Road. Whilst it is green belt land the site is fully contained enclosed by roads on three sides preventing further expansion of the site. The allocation of this land would not conflict with 4 of the 5 purposes of the greenbelt. The land does not contribute to the setting or special character of Warwick. It is accepted that there would be some encroachment into the countryside but so will the allocation of other areas.

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