
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55226

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Pete Warby

Representation Summary:

Object to the proposed plans to build houses at the site off Fieldgate Lane/Golf Lane, Whitnash. Full consideration has not been given to the roads and in particular the difficult bend at the bottom of Golf Lane (adopted part) and Fieldgate lane. The number of cars used by the current houses in Mullard Drive and Golf Lane exceeds 2/house. The traffic increase of between 200-300 cars exiting via Golf Lane/Whitnash Road would far exceed what could be reasonably expected as safe. Most of the traffic would find its way to the Heathcote Traffic lights, recognised as being at full capacity.

No consideration has been given to the additional traffic that may be generated at schools. Do not accept that full consideration has been given to sewage and the council has failed to take into account existing problems. Facilities in the area cannot cope with the additional burden of this development. The local infant and middle school is already vastly oversubscribed as is the local doctor's surgery. Also sad that a medieval furrow field of historical interest is to be destroyed by the perceived need to build 100 houses.

Development of the site has been refused on planning grounds in the past on a number of occasions and it is disingenuous of the authorities to now claim that those same considerations no longer apply.

Full text:

Reference proposed local plan development site - Fieldgate Lane/Golf Lane - Proposal to build 94-100 homes

I wish to object in the strongest possible way to the proposed plans to build up to 94 to 100 houses at the site off Fieldgate Lane/Golf Lane, Whitnash. I specifically do not believe full planning consideration has been given and object on planning grounds for the following reasons:-

Traffic and Roads

I do not accept that full consideration has been given to the roads and in particular the difficult bend at the bottom of Golf Lane (adopted part) and Fieldgate lane.
This bend is very sharp and the additional traffic from the development would create a very dangerous route with the high possibility of accidents. I understand that planning position has previously been refused for this site on these grounds and cannot see what as changed to alter this view.

I do not believe full practical planning considerations have been given to the number of cars that would be generated by this development. A look at the numbers of cars that are used by the current houses in Mullard Drive and Golf Lane will clearly show that number of cars per house exceeds two and is often three per household.
Whether two or three is used as a guide the traffic increase of between two to three hundred cars exiting via Golf Lane /Whitnash Road would far exceed what could be reasonably expected as safe.
If the traffic tries to exit via Morris Drive (as many no doubt will do if Golf Lane becomes congested) then, bearing mind the steep nature and blind summit of this hill, an extremely dangerous traffic situation would be created.

To add to this part of the objection I would point out that most of the traffic would find its way to the Heathcote Traffic lights. A set of lights recognised as already at full capacity.

I also believe no consideration has been given to the additional traffic that may be generated at schools. The local oversubscribed infant and middles school generates a large amount of traffic. Further pupils will serve only to increase this problem to dangerous levels.

In addition the proposed development of a further 500 houses at Whitnash East would create a very real risk of Fieldgate Lane being opened to that development via the track under the railway bridge. If this happened the increased traffic generated would turn Fieldgate Lane and Golf Lane into a highway exacerbating the problems described above.


I do not accept that full planning has been consideration has been given to sewage and the council has failed to take into account existing problems.
The addition houses built up a slope on higher land will cause all sewerage and drainage to naturally run down to Fieldgate Lane and adjoining roads. I do not accept that the sewage system can cope with this additional burden.
I have witnessed in times of heavy rainfall the manhole covers in Mullard Drive being lifted up by the force of water unable to drain.
My own garden in Mullard Drive has itself been filled with pools of water at times of heavy rainfall with water flooding into our garage.
In addition many residents have experience blocked sewers. I have experience this twice. The addition of these houses is only going to increase these problems and the likelihood of rats (which I have also experience) being more prevalent.


I do not believe facilities in the area can cope with the additional burden of this development.

As mentioned the local infant and middle is already vastly oversubscribed many with many locals unable to send their children there.
I note that promises to build new schools in previous developments like Warwick Gates were never fulfilled.

The local doctor's surgery is also over subscribed. I frequently have trouble getting an appointment to see the doctor.

Looking at the situation more broadly Warwick Hospital is also oversubscribed.

Historical Interest

On a final note, and I appreciate that this may be given little consideration by you, I find at sad that a medieval furrow field of historical interest is to be destroyed by the perceived need to build 100 houses.

To conclude I object to this part of the local plan but on a broader note would like to add I have grave concerns about the entire plan which places an extremely heavy burden on the south of Leamington and its infrastructure.
I do not believe that infrastructure plans are sufficient or will be sufficient to cope with this disproportionate development.

I would also point out that the development of the Fieldgate Lane/ Golf Lane site has been refused on planning grounds in the past on a number of occasions and it is disingenuous of the authorities to now claim that those same considerations no longer apply.

If the council continues to support the proposals for Fieldgate Lane/Golf lane and this disproportionate plan they should be under no illusion that this would not affect my voting intentions in the future.