
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 53973

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Kath Cherry

Representation Summary:

I object to this development because it will cause many traffic problems, there is a lack of amenities to cope and it will destroy a site of natural and historic interest.

Full text:

I object to the development for the following reasons:-

1. This is an ancient Ridge and Furrow field. It is rare, of historical interest and part of our historical heritage and, therefore, to be treasured and respected. It has been preserved for centuries and should continue to be so for future generations.

2. The Whitnash brook regularly floods.

3. This area is a natural habitat for wildlife and should be preserved.

4. 94 dwellings will cause extra traffic congestion in surrounding roads particularly Golf Lane, Whitnash Road, Heathcote Road, Morris Drive, Morse Road, Coppice Road and the surrounding area. These days properties do not have just one or two vehicles but four or five! The roads were not built to cater for more the one car per property and of course there are cars attending the golf course plus visitors and regular delivery vans etc.

5. This extra traffic will be dangerous for children going to and from Briar Hill, St Margaret's and adjacent schools.

6. If the proposed new road goes through from Golf Lane and to the re-sited Campion school this will add to the problem. Problems which are not wanted and the road appears to go through popular allotments for which there is usually a waiting list. These give pleasure to many.

7. Traffic races up and down Golf Lane - exceeding the speed limit and making it difficult for pedestrians to cross. This will be made worse if these plans go ahead. Not only will there be the present parents' dropping children off to schools at Briar Hill etc. but also at Campion school.

8. Schools and doctors are full, this will put added pressure on them.

9. The extended Sydenham properties will also effect schools and traffic in this area.

10. The proposed local plan to build at east Whitnash through to the Harbury Lane are unnecessary and will make matters worse in every way. There has been several deaths on the Harbury Lane between Whitnash and the Fosse Way.

11. There are no suggestions for amenities on the proposed Fieldgate Lane / Golf Lane site. Any properties built on that site I strongly object to.

12. Gallaghers have dropped plans to build 1000 houses beyond Warwick Gates to Gallows Hill. Thus keeping a lovely green area beyond.

13. I understand 1200 properties are required. Why if 1600 properties are empty locally.

14. Whitnash seems to have become the dumping ground for new properties for years. Other areas refuse new properties and get away with it. Whitnash is not the dumping ground that others do not want.

15. Please preserve our heritage at Fieldgate Lane / Golf Lane for generations to come of an ancient, rare Ridge and Furrow field. I am sure Time Team and other archaeologists would be horrified if it was built on - so would I.
Katherine Cherry