
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 53879

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Steve Cherry

Representation Summary:

I consider this development unnecessary, in a sensitive area, spoiling natural habitat, will cause traffic problems and in the wrong place. To which I object most strongly.

Full text:

I object to the development of the proposed site for the following reasons:-
1. The proposed development area on a historical, ancient, rare Ridge and Furrow field which should be preserved at all costs.
2. A corridor of land should be left along the railway line for any possible railway development including electrification which is imminent.
3. There is lack of possible road connection to the development site from the town of Whitnash because the railway line boundary, this will necessitate long road journeys between the two areas causing bottle necks on existing road junctions.
4. Golf Lane is not a suitable access route as it has been deemed not so before, there are dangerous road junctions off Golf Lane which would be made more so if there were more traffic along it.
5. Whitnash brook floods regularly and is an important natural corridor for wildlife which would suffer greatly if encroached on by dwellings.
6. I consider the number of extra dwellings which would be created by this proposed development, surplus to local requirements on such a sensitive place, it is a bad choice of location.
7. The extra traffic this development would generate will add to the problems on over stretched local existing roads.
8. The local amenities such as schools and medical surgeries are full to capacity and will not cope with more numbers.