
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 4387

Received: 26/08/2009

Respondent: R.F. Garner

Representation Summary:

Object to:
Land at Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
Need - based on acceptance that another 4200 needed in this area. Survey identified need for 15 new homes in Bishops Itchington - if not justified, what is being done to resist it.
Environment - South of Warwick Gates through to Bishops Tachbrook essentially rural. Clearly this would be destroyed if development allowed, making Bishops Tachbrook a suburb of Leamington.
Traffic will increase causing problems on already overcrowded routes. Quality of life in rural areas will deteriorate with no compensating benefits for local people.
Infrastructure - Already stretched due in part to lack of facilities at Warwick Gates. No assurances about new resources: police, medical, schools, shops, leisure facilities, parks, will be provided - likley to be woefully inadequate.
Employment and Transport - Not clear where new inhabitants will work. Not employment for them in Warwick/Leamington, therefore need to commute. Roads can't cope with more cars. Increased traffic would impinge on remainder of Leamington and Warwick and greater number of cars need to use limited existing routes across towns.
Green field development - iniquitous that high quality green field land should be squandered. Land needed for food production. More effort should be put into finding alternatives - brown field or lower agricultural quality.