Q-B8.1: Do you agree that the plan should include a policy avoiding development on the best and most versatile agricultural land, unless it can be demonstrated that the harm to agricultural land is clearly outweighed by the benefit of development?

Showing forms 181 to 210 of 230
Form ID: 82297
Respondent: Dr John Perks

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 82612
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council



Form ID: 82694
Respondent: Stratford Town Centre Strategic Partnership


No answer given

Form ID: 82709
Respondent: Nikki Armstrong

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much, needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict

Form ID: 82726
Respondent: Dr Beverleigh Twohig Howell

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia

Form ID: 82733
Respondent: Sue Perry

Nothing chosen

Settlements falling outside the chosen growth strategy: I do not feel a threshold approach to small scale development is appropriate in greenbelt areas. We do not feel the plan should allow for more small scale growth developments to come forward in greenbelt areas.

Form ID: 82772
Respondent: Mrs K Sharma

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 82794
Respondent: Warwickshire Property and Development Group
Agent: Mr Sean Nicholson


No answer given

Form ID: 82865
Respondent: Leanna Horton

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 82887
Respondent: Stephen and Helga Beck

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 83158
Respondent: Liz Maffey

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia

Form ID: 83192
Respondent: L Simpson

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 83243
Respondent: Keep Our Green Belt Green, Coventry and Warwickshire


No answer given

Form ID: 83308
Respondent: Dr Emma Kirk


Q B8.1 - Yes. The country needs to have capacity to feed the nation so such land should be held forthis but each area needs to be assessed on all aspects and a recognition that lower quality farming land should not automatically be pushed into development. Q- B8.2 - Yes, we need additional protection and buffers on the river Avon, Leam and their tributaries, Local Wildlife Sites and PLWS’s, Local Nature Reserves, SSSIs, Ancient woodland, Local Green Spaces, Ecosites etc. Councils need to reassess their Potential Local Wildlife Sites as a matter of urgency, as particularly in the south there are huge gaps in this very important evidence base and this information should be used in the plans as well as information on protected species. Brownfield sites and areas with poor biodiversity should be prioritised for development

Form ID: 83366
Respondent: David Gemmell


Q B8.1 Yes. The country needs to have capacity to feed the nation so such land should be held forthis but each area needs to be assessed on all aspects and a recognition that lower quality farming land should not automatically be pushed into development. Q- B8.2 Yes, we need additional protection and buffers on the river Avon, Leam and their tributaries, Local Wildlife Sites and PLWS’s, Local Nature Reserves, SSSIs, Ancient woodland, Local Green Spaces, Ecosites etc. Councils need to reassess their Potential Local Wildlife Sites as a matter of urgency, as particularly in the south there are huge gaps in this very important evidence base and this information should be used in the plans as well as information on protected species. Brownfield sites and areas with poor biodiversity should be prioritised for development

Form ID: 83497
Respondent: Bellway Homes (West Midlands)
Agent: Cerda Planning


No answer given

Form ID: 83597
Respondent: Sharba Homes
Agent: Barton Willmore


No answer given

Form ID: 83628
Respondent: Sharba Homes
Agent: Barton Willmore


No answer given

Form ID: 83685
Respondent: Adam Corney
Agent: The Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd


No, but the plan should give equal weight to the interests of the existing population as well as dealing with new development and growth.

Form ID: 83827
Respondent: Mr Guy Hornsby
Form ID: 84073
Respondent: Mr jonathan hofstetter


Q-B8.1: Agricultural Land: there are good reasons for trying to avoid development on agricultural land, being (1) the character of this particular area is agricultural; the development envisaged will heavily erode that (2) the land in question is - according to the Lepus report - of good quality - why then destroy it by development (3) the particular site envisaged would destroy tenanted farmland, held in the WCC Smallholdings estate, which is extraordinary given the current pressure on small farms and the difficulties for local and young people to get into farming (4) good quality land should be retained for growing food, and growing the kind of food that reduces our reliance on long and/or foreign food supply chains (for all the obvious reasons and highlighted recently by the government’s own food tsar) - continued development on green belt and/or good agricultural land flies in the face of the pressing need to increase home grown food.

Form ID: 84141
Respondent: Holly Farm Business Park Ltd
Agent: The Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd


No, but the plan should give equal weight to the interests of the existing population as well as dealing with new development and growth.

Form ID: 84226
Respondent: Margaret Green

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 84233
Respondent: Gemma & Nick Davies

Nothing chosen

Q- B8.2 When considering climate change, biodiversity and economic wellbeing, are there any rural land uses or locations that should be prioritised over others? Yes, we need additional protection and buffers on the river Avon, Leam and their tributaries, Local Wildlife Sites and PLWS’s, Local Nature Reserves, SSSIs, Ancient woodland, Local Green Spaces, Ecosites etc. Councils need to reassess their Potential Local Wildlife Sites as a matter of urgency, as particularly in the south there are huge gaps in this very important evidence base and this information should be used in the plans as well as information on protected species. Brownfield sites and areas with poor biodiversity should be prioritised for development

Form ID: 84259
Respondent: Mrs Margaret Harris

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much, needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food more important in the post-Brexit and the current

Form ID: 84283
Respondent: M Hancock

Nothing chosen

I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Form ID: 84426
Respondent: Warwickshire County Council


No answer given

Form ID: 84469
Respondent: Mr Jonathan Burrows


Setting aside land for green spaces, parks, nature reserves, Local Nature Reserves, returning to nature; protecting community playing fields.

Form ID: 84530
Respondent: Mactaggart & Mickel
Agent: McLoughlin Planning


No answer given

File: Vision
Form ID: 84588
Respondent: Lockley Homes
Agent: Goldfinch Town Planning Services (West Midlands)


Paragraph 79 of the Revised NPPF (2021) states that: “…To promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning policies should identify opportunities for villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services. Where there are groups of smaller settlements, development in one village may support services in a village nearby…” Responding to question B8.2, in accordance with the above NPPF guidance, Lockley Homes would suggest that the Council’s emerging SWLP (2023) should prioritise the future housing-led growth and sustainable expansion needs of existing rural village settlements located across the South Warwickshire countryside. This matter should be one of the key spatial planning policy priority areas for the emerging SWLP Review to consider, in order to help deliver a ‘More Positively Prepared Local Plan,’ and to allow the Plan to promote the most sustainable patterns of development - consistent with the ‘Sustainability’ tests of Soundness for Local Plan preparation as reinforced within paragraph 35 (indent d) of the Revised NPPF (2021). Proposed housing sites such as the Lockley Homes site located within the Village of Broom settlement should be brought forward for new housing development in the SWLP (2023) as a matter of urgency, not left for consideration within a future Stage 2/ version 2 of the SWLP in many years from now. We have concerns that the SWLP and its accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (SA) are both not currently promoting the most sustainable patterns of new housing development, and the approach to Plan-making is therefore failing the ‘Sustainability’ tests of Soundness for Local Plan preparation as reinforced within paragraph 35 (indent d) of the Revised NPPF (2021).