Public Open Spaces

Ended on the 8 March 2019


Minimum Area Size thresholds for Public Open Space to be adopted by The Council

The following table sets out examples of minimum area size standards for a variety of POS typologies. The District Council will not normally consider the formal adoption of POS that are not of the size stipulated in the table below. Should the calculations require a contribution less than the standards shown below it will require the developer to negotiate arrangements for an off-site contribution or financial contribution in lieu. The exception to this may be if the smaller area proposed is of particular merit (or is marginally below the standard) and the developer can satisfy the Council that maintenance (of an agreed standard / regime) will be undertaken in perpetuity and bound by a legal agreement.


Proposed Standard(Hectares)

Parks and Gardens


Natural Areas including urban woodland


Amenity Greenspace (includes Green corridors)


Children's and Youth Areas




For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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