Parking Standards SPD
How much cycle parking?
5.1 The minimum standards for the amount of cycle parking for different types of development are set out in table 2. Non-residential developments of all types and scale will be expected to achieve these standards.
Cycle parking – how should it beincorporated?
5.2 The following principles for siting and designing cycle parking should be demonstrably incorporated into development proposals:
• Shared cycle storage should be sited in a location that is easily legible from the point(s) of entry to the site.
• It should be as closely sited to the main entrance or entrances as possible, with a clear, safe and attractive route to the entrance(s) on foot. It should not in itself however obstruct pedestrian desire lines/routes to and from the building or buildings
• Cycle storage should be sited to benefit from natural surveillance from the associated building or buildings, and any external activity/movement.
• Cycle storage provision should be secure
• External storage should be lit for convenience and security, and routes to and from the building or buildings should also be lit as appropriate
• Storage space should be covered to protect bicycles from the elements wherever possible, and always for long stay provision.
Other considerations
• Where cycle storage provision may be used by workers and commuters, provision should be made for shower and changing facilities to be integrated into the development.