Options Paper

Ended on the 25 July 2008

7. What happens next?

This is our anticipated timetable for producing our Core Strategy.

Summer-autumn 2008 We will look carefully at all of the comments that you have made. We will also continue to carry out a number of pieces of important technical work which will help inform the Core Strategy.
December 2008 We will decide on the preferred approach that the Council would wish to take to delivering the growth required in the Core Strategy. We will agree this as a “preferred option”.
January 2009 We will consult with you on our “preferred option”.
July 2009 Informed by this public consultation, we will decide on the final policies of the Core Strategy.
September 2009 We will submit the Core Strategy to the Government and consult again with you on this.
Spring 2010 There will be an inquiry into the Core Strategy chaired by an independent inspector. This is called a “Public Examination”
Autumn 2010 Following receipt of the Inspector’s report, we hope to adopt the Core Strategy.

If you want to find out more about the Core Strategy we would encourage you to do any of the following.

Website Visit the Core Strategy page of the Council’s website at: www.warwickdc.gov.uk/corestrategy
Email alert You can subscribe to our email alert service for news on a range of planning policy documents produced by the Council, including the Core Strategy
Telephone 01926 456505
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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