Alternative Sites Consultation

Ended on the 9 April 2010

Appendix One: What is the Core Strategy?

A1 The Core Strategy is a very important document which will set the long term vision for how the District's towns, villages and countryside will develop and change over the period to 2026. This vision will be delivered through a strategy for distributing and delivering growth within the District, alongside a number of strategic objectives which will be used to inform the Council's decision making on future planning applications for development. However, it is important to note that the Core Strategy is a strategic document and should not contain detailed policies or site allocations unless the site is central to the delivery of the Core Strategy.

A2 The Council is required by legislation to prepare a Core Strategy, and the nature and content of the Strategy must comply with a number of requirements including:

  • Be consistent with National Planning Policy Statements (PPS);
  • Conform generally to the West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) or the emerging RSS Phase Two Revision - Draft Preferred Option (RSS Phase Two);
  • Be coherent with neighbouring Core Strategies, such as the emerging Coventry Core Strategy;
  • Align with and help deliver the Warwick District Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS); and,
  • Be based on robust and credible evidence.

For more information, go to:

What is the Programme for the Core Strategy?

A3 There are a number of stages in the preparation of the Core Strategy as shown below.

Core Strategy Stage Timing
Preparation Phase Early stakeholder and community engagement January to December 2007
Public Consultation on the "Key Issues" Nov 2007 to January 2008
Public Consultation on the "Options for Growth" May to July 2008
Public Consultation on the "Preferred Options" July to September 2009
Public Consultation on "Alternative Sites" February to March 2010
Preparation of the "Draft Core Strategy" Sept 2009 to May 2010
Testing Phase Public Consultation on the "Draft Core Strategy" May to July 2010
Analysis of Responses to "Draft Core Strategy" August 2010
Submission of "Draft Core Strategy" to the Government August 2010
Independent Examination of the "Draft Core Strategy" December 2010
Adoption of the "Core Strategy" by the Council March 2011

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