Open Space SPD
Appendix B - Open Space Standards
Amenity Green Space | Parks + Gardens | Natural Areas | Green Corridors | Allotments | Burial Grounds | Outdoor Sports | Children / Youth Areas | Overall Green Space | |
0. 74 |
1.99 |
1.92 |
0.16 |
0.42*** |
0.38 |
0.25 |
0.02 |
5.46**** |
1.0 (10m 2 per person) |
2.0 (20m 2 per person) |
2.0 * (20m 2 per person) |
N/A** |
0.42*** (see note overleaf regarding allotment provision) |
N/A |
0.3 (3m 2 per person) |
0.3 (3m 2 per person) |
5.6**** (5.6m 2 per person) |
This standard should be applied having regard to
Natural England's Accessible Natural Greenspace Standards (ANGST)
The ANGST model requires that for people living in towns and cities:
- That no person shall live more than 300m from their nearest area of natural greenspace of at least 2Ha in size
- Provision of at least 1 Ha of Local Nature Reserve per 1000 population
- That there should be at least one accessible 20Ha site within 2km from home
- That there should be one accessible 100Ha site within 5km
- That there should be one accessible 500Ha site within 10km
*** Allotment Gardens
The Council acknowledges the valuable contribution that allotment gardens make to the well - being of local communities and they are currently afforded by protection under Policy SC5 of the Local Plan. The audit has identified that there are 27 allotment gardens across the District (comprising of some 55.55 Ha or 0.42 Ha of allotments per 1000 population).
The provision of allotments for small sites is problematic given their particular requirements and the fact that the Council do not own or manage allotments unlike other types of open space. The Council will therefore only expect developers of larger sites (i.e. over 100 dwellings) to make provision in line with the above standard either on site or within reasonable walking distance of the new residences.**** These totals exclude the allotment provision as allotments do not have unrestricted public access.