Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
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Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
1. Introduction
Representation ID: 61280
Received: 07/01/2014
Respondent: Mining Remediation Authority
Having reviewed Warwick District Council - Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries, The Coal Authority have no specific comments to make at this stage.
Having reviewed this, I confirm that we have no specific comments to make at this stage.
We look forward to receiving your emerging planning policy related documents; preferably in an electronic format. For your information, we can receive documents via our generic email address, on a CD/DVD, or a simple hyperlink which is emailed to our generic email address and links to the document on your website.
Alternatively, please mark all paper consultation documents and correspondence for the attention of Planning and Local Authority Liaison.
Should you require any assistance please contact a member of Planning and Local Authority Liaison at The Coal Authority on our direct line (01623 637 119).