Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

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Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

a) 100m radius

Representation ID: 52749

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

The attempt to control the density of HMOs is good but must be extended to Kenilworth and Warwick as well or it will shift the problems there - stop it before the problem occurs.


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

b) 400m walking distance

Representation ID: 52750

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

This is quite arbitrary: can't use housing policy to deliver transport policy. The students need more bus routes - focus on that and the MOHs can be spread across Leamington. Buses don't run that late so students walking home from buses is not the problem. Do things to encourage cycle routes etc. - Your policy is reinforcing the existing inadequate public transport to Uni. instead of addressing that problem directly.


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

c) storage of refuse containers

Representation ID: 52751

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

Dealing with the problems of litter volume is important. Similarly, dealing with the location of bins is important - but for ALL residential property, not just students. The bins will probably still be left on the pavement unless there is some regular enforcement and you don't seem to be offering that. Perhaps the University should take that on!


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

Exceptions to a)

Representation ID: 52753

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

Why should main thoroughfares (like Radford Road??) be an exception? The residents there need as much consideration as others on smaller residential streets. Why should it be OK for Radford Road say, to move up to 80% MOHs but not OK for a side street? All the problems raised in your consultation that come from high density MOHs occur in all areas.


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

Applying the 100m Radius Test

Representation ID: 52755

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

How will this work - 'MOHs allowed on main roads so long as the route to town doesn't go through smaller residential streets.' How will you know or control whether people living in MOHs walk the back roads or stick to the main roads???


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

The Article 4 Direction (Small HMOs)

Representation ID: 52757

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

Given that you know what problems can occur if MOHs are left unchecked; and given that you are about to restrict their development in Leamington; and given that you are not seeking to expand the bus routes; and given that Warwick University is not about to reduce their growth in student numbers; then it is pretty obvious that the pressures will shift to Warwick and Kenilworth. You need to have the policy in place to prevent this from the start, not sit back and watch it happen ("monitor it").


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

Distance from a Bus Stop

Representation ID: 52760

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

This requirement will increase the pressure for MOHs on a area tightly defined. What is needed is to spread the impact of MOHs across the district so that the impact on community is vastly reduced. Despite the many issues raised in your earlier discussions with groups about the problems of MOHs, your proposal is far too restricted - to issues around walking to buses; and rubbish collection. Many more issues were raised that are not included here.


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

The Issues

Representation ID: 52761

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

Your background documentation does identify the range of problems that come from high densities of MOHs occupied by students; but the policy proposal is far too restricted. It does nothing about most of the problems. Also, the attitude of Warwick University - that the community just picks up the problems caused by their free expansion of student numbers, is quite unacceptable. Just having a liaison officer is not enough. Their students are taking away houses that local people need; and putting pressure on prices for both rents and purchase. They need to take responsibility for addressing this.


Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

5. Monitoring

Representation ID: 52762

Received: 08/07/2013

Respondent: Offchurch Plan Implementation Group

Representation Summary:

Not nearly enough detail. Exactly what you are going to do in order to monitor it? Also - assuming this policy increases the likelihood of illegal moves to MOHs - especially to cater for workers from other parts of Europe who do not know their rights nor the standards they can expect from a landlord - then how exactly are you gong to monitor that? And how will you know if your policy is addressing even its 2 rather limited aims - stop rubbish problems; and reduce the numbers of students walking between bus stops and their residences?

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