Policy for HMOs and Student Accommodation

Ended on the 16 August 2013


1 Purpose of the Policy

1.1 The main purpose of the policy is to control the concentration of HMOs, including student accommodation, in certain parts of the District and to ensure that other such concentrations do not occur elsewhere. Existing concentrations in parts of south Leamington have led to a significant loss of amenity for more settled residents. The policy also aims to ensure that proposals for HMOs and Student Accommodation include satisfactory provision for refuse storage and access to public transport.

1.2 In April 2012, an Article 4 Direction was brought into effect in Leamington Spa, the effect of which was to remove permitted development rights for changes of use from dwellings (use class C3) to small HMOs with 3-6 unrelated occupants (use class C4). This policy will be used to determine such applications as well as all other applications for HMOs and student accommodation. This will ensure a common approach is applied to all such uses.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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