Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

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Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

Representation ID: 56164

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd

Agent: The Planning Bureau

Representation Summary:

Considers it vitally important that the emerging CIL does not prohibit the development of specialist accommodation for the elderly at a time when there is an existing and urgent need for this form of development. And that by not properly assessing this form of development the proposed CIL rate would threaten the delivery of the Development Plan.

The preliminary draft charging schedule, whilst providing different rates throughout the District based on viability, provides a uniform CIL levy rate for all forms of residential development and does not differentiate between houses, flats and specialist accommodation.

Whilst there is an understandable desire to keep charging rates as simple as possible the broad inclusion of some retirement housing within a general housing heading fails to acknowledge the special viability issues associated with such specialist accommodation.

Given the extent of projected housing need for older person's accommodation it is paramount that the Warwick District CIL schedule recognises the potential shortcomings of providing a uniform CIL rate. It is for these reasons we recommend a bespoke CIL rate for sheltered housing and other forms of specialist accommodation.

Full text:

see attached



Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

Representation ID: 63328

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd

Agent: The Planning Bureau

Representation Summary:

Empty property costs - Properties can only be sold on completion of the development and the establishment of all the communal facilities and on -site house manager. These communal areas cost additional monies to construct and are effectively subsidised by the developer until all the development has been completely sold out. This is a considerable financial responsibility as it usually takes a number of years to fully sell a development.

Full text:

see attached



Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

Representation ID: 63329

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd

Agent: The Planning Bureau

Representation Summary:

Build costs - Sheltered housing costs are 6.65 more expensive than the cost of building apartments. It is stated that specialist housing for the elderly tends to remain in the region of 5% more expensive to construct than apartments and generally between 15 to 20% more expensive than estate housing.

Full text:

see attached



Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

Representation ID: 63330

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd

Agent: The Planning Bureau

Representation Summary:

Instalments policy - Would welcome flexibility in the timing of payments.

Full text:

see attached


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