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Radford Semele

Representation ID: 49611

Received: 03/07/2012

Respondent: Radford Semele Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Will have significant impact on village, but if required, consideration could be given to development east of the village extending the housing development on the Fosse Way.

Full text:

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Radford Semele

Representation ID: 50153

Received: 24/07/2012

Respondent: Radford Semele Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Objects to the allocation of 100 homes to Radford Semele.for the following easons:
- it takes no account of local needs, the affect on the community and on landscapes.;
- there is no substance to to the reason for selecting the Category 1 villages;
- the existing road structure in the village will be unable to cope and will require new accesses onto already busy roads;
- there is already a good range and choice of housing;
- the village has no medical facilities, health clubs,leisure facilities or employment and parking and bus services are limited;
- 100 new houses would tip the balance of Radford Semele from being a village to a dormitory suburb

If the Plan does propose new housing in the village, the Parish Council would prefer this to be a reduced number of homes and for them to be located to the east of the village so as to avoid further reducing the gap between Leamington and Radford Semele.

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