Cubbington Neighbourhood Development Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
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Cubbington Neighbourhood Development Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
1.0 Background
Representation ID: 87753
Received: 04/11/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Our previous comments on the earlier regulation 14 consultation remain entirely relevant, that is:
“Historic England is supportive of the content of the document and believes it takes a thoughtful and suitably proportionate approach to the historic environment of the Parish”
Beyond those observations we have further no substantive comments to make on what Historic England considers is a good example of community led planning.
Thank you for the invitation to comment on the Submission Neighbourhood Plan.
Our previous comments on the earlier regulation 14 consultation remain entirely relevant, that is:
“Historic England is supportive of the content of the document and believes it takes a thoughtful and suitably proportionate approach to the historic environment of the Parish”
Beyond those observations we have further no substantive comments to make on what Historic England considers is a good example of community led planning.
I hope you find this advice helpful.