Issue and Options 2023

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Form ID: 82502
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council


Whilst Claverdon community understands much of the plan’s vision and objectives, it points out that the plan is unrealistic in duration given the rate of social and economic change. It has no milestones, and its scope is much too wide. Additionally, relative to infrastructure, separate elements are not integrated and rely entirely on private sector contributions. Decisions about land allocation must be taken at parish level, with top-down decisions kept to a minimum. Claverdon will ensure through its NDP that the minimum housing requirements are met in ways that are acceptable to Claverdon parishioners.

Form ID: 82503
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council

The assessment appropriately discusses the need for carefully considered development.

Form ID: 82505
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council



Form ID: 82506
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council



Form ID: 82509
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council


No answer given

Form ID: 82511
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council

Q I.2 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire. Claverdon would support option 12b provided infrastructure funding is adequate. There is no support for any proposal without a meaningful infrastructure investment plan. It makes no reference about funding commitments from statutory providers and the key private-sector agencies involved in public infrastructure/services guaranteeing the investment necessary. We question whether the private sector will fill this gap as assumed throughout the entirety of the plan. Q1.3 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Based on the principle of subsidiarity, Claverdon supports Option 13b.

Form ID: 82514
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council



Form ID: 82516
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council




Form ID: 82519
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council




Form ID: 82521
Respondent: Claverdon Parish Council


The plan correctly identifies that provision of the correct infrastructure needed to underpin it. It does not set out how all this will be done particularly regarding investment.

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